Special Education (Pre-K to 12) Major

制定有效的教学策略,与有轻度到重度残疾的学生和英语学习者一起工作 Bachelor of Science in Education in Special Education (Pre-K to 12) in Temple University’s College of Education and Human Development. 这个123学分的本科学位强调有效的特殊亿德体育技能和有效的实践,以便学生为学前班或幼儿园到12年级的教育工作者认证做好准备.

The Special Education program 教育与人类发展学院的课程使教师对教育的社会文化背景有深刻的理解, high-impact instructional practices and empirically supported, 为残疾儿童提供公平教育的预防性措施.

The program is grounded in the college and the university’s mission by

  • advocating inclusive practices in schools and society,
  • emphasizing preventative approaches to support improved teaching and learning,
  • 在课堂上促进循证实践和有效实施
  • 认识和改善社会文化因素对残疾儿童教育的影响.

Program Outcomes


  • assessing learning and behavior through a variety of modalities, 并利用数据为教学实践和个性化干预提供信息;
  • identifying, 适应和使用基于证据的教学和行为策略来促进特殊个体的学习;
  • 确定在学习中使用的专业组织和教学资源, and participating in and contributing to the professional teaching community;
  • summarizing major theories about development and learning across the lifespan and defining how they apply to teaching practice; and
  • 总结学校的组织结构以及与学习者相关的学校教育的更广泛的政治和社会背景, 包括特殊教育运作的法律和道德框架.

Pennsylvania Department of Education Certification

特殊教育(学前班至12年级)专业课程遵循美国联邦教育标准的最新变化 宾夕法尼亚州教育部特殊教育认证要求. Effective January 2021, 学生可以获得特殊教育认证,而不必先获得其他领域的认证. The Special Education (Pre-K to 12) Major prepares students to complete the tests required for certification as special education teachers.

Field Experience

Over the course of several semesters and prior to student teaching, 特殊教育(学前班至12年级)专业学生参加实地工作机会,培养对实践的洞察力,以满足所有学习者的需求.

As required by the Pennsylvania Department of Education Bureau of Special Education, special education students must complete fieldwork in addition to a 12-week, full-time student teaching assignment to earn their degree. 


Classes & Curriculum

Classes you are likely to take include

  • Classroom Management and Positive Behavior Support,
  • Effective Instructional Strategies for Students with Disabilities, and
  • Family and Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Special Education.


Teacher Certification

This program prepares you to successfully complete state certification exams, allowing you to apply for a Pennsylvania Instructional I Teaching Certificate. Learn more about certification.

Tuition & Fees

In keeping with Temple’s commitment to access and affordability, 教育学学士学位提供有竞争力的学费水平和多种经济支持机会.

学费由大学每年设定,并受到多种因素的影响, including program degree level (undergraduate or graduate), course load (full- or part-time), in-state or out-of-state residency, and more. You can view the full Cost of Attendance breakdown on the Student Financial Services website.

These tuition costs apply to the 2023–2024 academic year.

Pennsylvania resident: $17,976.00 per year
Out-of-state: $32,376.00 per year


Additional Program Information